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Performance modelling, management and improvement
Strategic modelling and optimization
Industry and markets modelling, analysis and scenario planning
Strategic Laboratory

Home // What we do // Dynamic strategy optimization

Dynamic Strategy Modelling and Optimization



We focus on achieving results for our clients businesses based on sustainable value creation for the owners and the society.

Business value can be created primarily by increasing sales growth and by boosting productivity. We help our clients in identifying and choosing among best strategic options that can maximize the return on investment while at the same time can add long-term future value by creating sustainable competitive advantage.

Customer value innovation and functional competencies alignement and reconfiguration are superior business value drivers and we focus on them in transforming our clients value strategy to achieve best marketplace position and superior returns.

The business strategy optimization service that we offer is based on a unique Dynamic Strategy Optimization Decision Support System which allows managers to search, articulate, find and implement optimal strategies among alternative structural and functional strategic paths and courses af action.

The creation of the Dynamic Strategy Optimization Decision Support System is inspired by the latest academic and business research achievements, combining key concepts from the system dynamics field, the resource based theory of the firm, competitive strategy dynamics and decision making based on resource configuration anticipation, orchestration and control.

The DSO DSS system provides a decision making virtual environment where alternative strategies can be rehearsed and outcomes compared for optimal strategy selection and implementation.


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