STRATEGY OPTIMIZATIONValue Creation and Innovation by Dynamic Strategy Optimization |
PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTPerformance Management by Dynamic Resource Configuration |
The business strategy optimization service that we offer is based on a unique Dynamic Strategy Optimization Decision Support System.This system allows managers to search, articulate, find and implement optimal strategies among alternative structural and functional strategic paths and courses af action.Read more about our Dynamic Strategy Optimizatin System here ... |
The Dynamic Performance Management System for Value Improvement and Control can be tailored perfectly to the client needs and performance objectives.It can relate to all or any individual key functional competences like Financial, Business Alliances, Customer, Human Resources, and Production Systems.Read more about our Dynamic Performance Management System here ... |
PRO BONO PROGRAMMEAdvising for the public and social goodStrateggo consultants are always passionate to engage in pro bono projects for the public and social good. PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMMEPartnering for global reach and local expertiseIf you wish to explore the benefits of the Strateggo Partnership Prpgramme, please contact us to request more information ... |
RESEARCH PROGRAMMESharing efforts for joint research projectsWe have developed our Research Programme to explore opportunities for mutually beneficial high level research ... WORK WITH USExplore a flexible range of opportunitesIf you wish to explore a flexible range of working opportunities with Strateggo, just contact us to request more information ... |
MARKET & INDUSTRY ANALYSISIndustry Intelligence and Competitor Behaviour Modelling and Analysis |
DYNAMIC LEARNINGOrganizational Development and Learning by Virtual-Doing |
Among our key expertise is providing industry and competitor intelligence by modelling, analysis and forecasting of the behaviour of key market forces, tailored to the specific needs of our clients.We provide dynamic models, analysis and reports which cover wide variety of industries and sectors.Read more about our modelling approach to industry and competitor intelligence here ... |
Organizations can not thrive and achieve sustainable business results if they do not develop and stay in line with the dynamics of the external environment.This forms an imperative to constantly stretch and develop organizational capabilities in order to be able to capitalize on external opportunities and to stay protected from external threats.Read more about our Learning by virtual doing approach here ... |
Analytical Framework / Vision / Mission / Leadership / Consultants / Scientific Approach / Portfolio / Capabilities / Strategy / Performance / Intelligence
Learning / Modelling / Complexity / Optimisation / StratLab / Industries / Scenario Simulator / Resources / Cases / Publications / Business & Policy Models
Brochures / Reports / Analysis / Articles / Insights / Authored Books / Pro Bono Programme / Research Programme / Partnership Programme / Work with us