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Why you can benefit by using the Strateggo StratLab?
Limitations of the use of analogue products to design alternative strategic resource and policy configurations
Difficulties in capturing the complex resource dynamics driving markets, industries and social behaviour
Need for consistent evaluation and elaboration of alternative strategic options and policy decisions
Capability of modelling key indicators for dynamic resource management, performance measurement and control
Predictive modelling and simulation for businesses, public institutions, NGOs and learning organizations

What do NGOs get by subscribing to our StratLab?
Access to a Virtual Strategic Experimentation Environment where you can put NGO policy decisions to the test by simulating their future effects for the society
Exploration of alternative NGO policy decisions and resource configurations for public benefit and outcome optimization
Sensitivity analysis by multi-variate stochastic simulations of countless parameters and key factor variations
Analysis of public resources, their dynamics and performance gaps, and design of interactive resource maps for increasing resource utilization
Search, selection and what-if implementation of alternative NGO and public policy options for growth and development
Modelling resource and capabilities configurations to analyse, create new and sustain social development and balance
Modelling macro and micro-economic dynamics: Simulating future market developments, industries behaviour and their reactions to intented policy actions
Design, implementation, alignment and control of key NGO and public policy indicators