FOR BUSINESSSustainable value creation and value innovationSustainable value creation and innovation is the key path to the successful business performance.We apply the best analytic and strategic techniques to identify where value is and direct firm's capabilities towards its sustainable appropriation.Read more about our business services here ... |
FOR PUBLIC POLICYEnvironment for optimal public policy designSupport and strategic advice for optimal public policy development.We provide modelling services to support government institutions to improve policy decisions by generation of what-if public policy scenarios for elaboration of optimal regulatory changes.Read more about our public policy services here ... |
FOR NGOsStrategic NGO policy development
Support and strategic advice for NGOs policy positioning.
FOR LEARNINGCapabilities developmentKnowledge management and training for managerial skills and capabilities development.Strateggo works in partnership with leading international course leaders to provide training in the fields of strategic management, marketing and sales, performance optimization and value creation.Read more about our learning services here ... |